Each school received a flyer with details on the contest as well as a few images of the Old Timer. Then, during our homecoming parade, students at a few schools were able to see the truck as the procession drove by.
Over one hundred entries poured in from students in first grade all the way up to eighth! It was incredible to see the level of skill and creativity from all these students, and it was difficult to narrow down the fifteen winners. Thanks to coordination and support from the South Brunswick Police (specifically, Lieutenants Penney and Jairdullo), on Wednesday, January 18, President and CEO Jeff Hermann and
Marketing Manager Danielle Novotny visited Brunswick Acres Elementary, Greenbrook Elementary, Crossroads Middle School, and Brooks Crossing Elementary to present awards.
“The smiles and enthusiasm from each winner said it all. Especially the students in the lower grades who were accompanied by fellow classmates and students. None of the winners were told in advance so you can imagine how surprised and excited they were to receive the award and recognition. An absolutely inspiring event!” said Jeff Hermann.