According to the Human Trafficking Institute, there are, “24.9 million victims of human trafficking around the world” and “trafficking happens in every region of the world. While it occurs everywhere, types of trafficking and coercion can vary based on local customs and individuals’ circumstances, reflecting the diverse nature of human trafficking globally.”
Human trafficking includes various forms, which the United States Department of State categorizes as forced labor and sex trafficking. Human trafficking is a type of human rights abuse in which individuals exploit others for profit, using tactics such as force, fraud, or coercion to manipulate victims into engaging in sex acts or providing labor/services. While overt indicators like physical abuse or sudden behavioral changes (such as excessive fear) may be evident, identifying more subtle signs requires careful observation. According to the United States Department of Homeland Security, these subtle signs can include instances where an individual appears coached in their responses, seems disoriented or confused, or exhibits unusual living conditions.
At Hermann Services, we work with two different non-profits to raise awareness about human trafficking, Project Protect Our Children, and TAT (Truckers Against Trafficking). While they share the same goal, they aim to educate different groups, made obvious by their names. Project Protect Our Children focuses on educating children and teenagers; they believe knowledge through preventative education is the key to spreading awareness.
“At Project Protect Our Children, we believe in the empowerment of our youth. We give them a seat at the table to be a part of the solution,” said Educational Director Amy Jolley Hamilton. “We ask the youth to identify gaps in their community, and they plan awareness and prevention activities to bring to their community.” The organization empowers youth primarily through its Youth Action Board. As Founder Denise Mears explains, “The Youth Action Board is a collective body of students with diverse perspectives, experiences, identities, and cultural differences that come together to work towards the same shared goal.” Learn more about Project Protect Our Children and how you can get involved by visiting their website.
TAT focuses their efforts on the transportation industry, because they believe that as the eyes and ears of our highways, professional drivers are specially equipped to act when necessary. Human trafficking is a complex issue with many facets, making it difficult to recognize at times. “Most of our lives intersect with traffickers and victims without ever knowing it,” explained Executive Director Esther Goetsch. “That’s why NHTPM [National Human Trafficking Prevention Month] is so important. It reminds us that if we’ve not had human trafficking training, we need to get it. And if we have, it’s time to review what we know, so we stay observant and alert to spot this crime as it happens and report it.” TAT encourages everyone to use this month to learn as much as they can about human trafficking and how you can help. Visit their website for free resources like training and wallet cards.
By educating ourselves about the signs of human trafficking and supporting organizations like Project Protect Our Children and TAT, we can all play a vital role in combating this modern-day form of abuse and forced captivity. We encourage you to use this month to empower yourself and your community in creating a safer and more just world for everyone. Learn to recognize the signs of trafficking and engage with organizations such as Project Protect Our Children and TAT. These organizations advocate for those without a voice, and it takes courage to speak up when you notice something concerning.